Dec 18, 2017 | Everlasting Health

How has ‘Your Year’ been???

Were you true to Yourself….& followed the paths you chose as best as You could…even if things didn’t go completely as planned???

Somehow I managed to achieve most that I hoped for…there were some challenges professionally & personally – but hey, I had to keep pushing through. Not saying all is ‘perfect’…just content with where I’m at.  And that’s all that’s important – as long as you’re happy with all that You do. Don’t worry about what others think of your choices.

We all have different circumstances & at stages in life. We set our own goals; have desires & wishes…but the one thing I feel is important, is that we move – & not get ‘stuck’ somewhere waiting for it all to come to us. ‘Cause babe….that ain’t gonna happen.

Only YOU can set your mind to be all you wish…only YOU can ‘turn it up a gear’ – no matter what ‘that’ is for YOU. There are often curve balls thrown in our way for good measure in life, in some shape or form…it’s how YOU deal with those that matters.

I hope You can reflect back on ‘Your’ 2017 & pat yourself on the back & smile….Yes I did it!

Life is a roller coaster….how do YOU ride it?!!

Roll on 2018 I say…I’m ready for ya!  😉

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