Apr 20, 2013 | Everlasting Health

So, Activated NT started this week…..have you joined in???!!!

Activated NT is running for the next 7 weeks….open to all Palmerston & rural area residents. There is a huge variety of activities on offer from yoga, fitboxing, boot camp, mums & bubs classes, aquarobics & even poledancing – just to name a few. And all for the crazy price of $35…or $30 if you join with a friend!! You might still be able to join in if you missed out??

For those of you who have joined – congrats….I know there are quite a few of you, because when I signed up they ladies told me there had been a few people saying “their naturopath had suggested to get involved”. Thank you to all of you for taking on the challenge…..your body & mind will thank you for it!

Now is the hard part – you actually have to DO IT!!!!

Get out the calendar, highlight what takes your fancy….then add those sessions to your diary – you’ve just made an appointment with yourself to get fit! This is definitely how I am doing it….don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a class – but remember, the more you do….the better you will feel. Don’t forget your water bottle, hat & pedometer!!!!


Get Activated NOW!!!

Salmon Fish Cakes

Salmon Fish Cakes

Check out these amazing fish cakes...full of herbs...packed with magnesium, calcium, good fats and protein - and Gluten and Dairy FREE. Just perfect for lunch or quick dinners served with a salad and maybe a portion of veggie chips!?! Try it tonight...even the kids...

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