This Festive Season can be full of fun….catch ups….with both friends & family…..friends more so up here in Darwin – with the “Orphans Christmas” very common.
At this time of year we often feel obligated to spend time with people just because we feel we should. But is this really what we should be doing for our sanity….let alone that of others??!! So how do you really feel about Christmas this year….apprehensive; full of excitement; or indifferent? The way we approach these big social occasions can influence hows we enjoy the festivities.
Using Flower Essences can help to support you during these emotional times. Every single time I use Flower Essences with a clients (or myself) I am truly amazed at the essences they choose, & the connection they have with what they have chosen. I also share in the relief they experience when they reflect on the changes that have occurred in their lives whilst taking their Flower Essences.
If you have some emotional (or physical) challenges you are dealing with…..or just want to Kick Start 2015 with a bang……give me a call to make an appointment.
They really are Magic in a Bottle!!!