Whenever I feel like I’m travelling off my path…I take a moment to refocus & think about what it is I truly want to achieve; how I want to feel; & how I wish to get there…..then I turn to Flower Essences to support my goals.
I find it amazing that the Flower Essences I choose to support me during these times, are truly those at the core of my problem. My clients too are amazed by the essences they choose – often looking at my quizzically as I explain their meanings to them…like, how did I know??? It brings a smile to my face – especially when I don’t know what their actual concerns are when they are choosing them……
How could they choose such Flower Essences???
How did I know that was how they were feeling???
Now watch as your path becomes clearer as YOU reconect with desires, inner strengths, & balancing Qi. It’s wonderful to reflect on where you have been, & see how close you have grown to where you want to be.
Ask me today about I can assist you in reconnecting with YOUR true desires…to overcome obstacles which may be in YOUR way.