Have you thought about where bacteria can be lurking in your home day-in-day-out??!
I definitely don’t want to make you ‘germaphobic’, but have you thought about:
Your Handbag….don’t put your handbag on the kitchen bench or table (yep…I’m guilty of this??). It makes sense right…it sits on the floor at pubs, restaurants, toilet floors..
Kitchen sponges…a nice moist area to harbour salmonella – change it every couple of weeks or when smelly. Or use a washable, reusable clothe that is washed in dishwasher or washing machine regularly.
Computer keyboard…I think we all know why this is a problem, even more so if you share a computer. Clean it regularly & wash your hands!
Pets Mouths…I get daily kisses from my fur babies, gotta get into the habit of washing your hands, arms, face after playing with them, especially if you have cuts as their mouths can have Bartonella which can lead to chronic infections.
Mobile phones…how often do you wipe over your mobile phone??!
Bedsheets….do you remember mum saying to change them every week or 2??! Skin infections, fungi, dust mites or even bodily fluids which will be a breeding ground for bacteria…yuck!