Are you using coffee or chocolate to get through the day???
Are you finding you simply crash on the couch each evening after working all day…dropping kids (or yourself) off to sports…making dinner…doing the housework…& then NOT able to get to sleep at night even though you’re “dead” tired???
You may also have gained weight, a low libido, get sick easily or even unexplained pain.
Then maybe you have Adrenal Fatigue.
Here’s some simple tips to help you out:
- derease saturated fats, dairy & other anti-inflammatory foods
- try to cook double for dinner & either freeze for a busy day or have the next night or take for lunch
- don’t ‘over-exercise’ – do moderate exercise 3x’s week
- try meditation, yoga or tai chi regularly
- go to bed at a reasonable time each night
- maintain balance with work, play & time-out
- avoid caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes & drugs
- try licorice tea….or try my Balance-Me blend
- drink plenty of water
- Complex Carbohydrates – oats, barley, rice, wholegrain or rye breads
- Vegies – broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, mushrooms, turnips, asparagus, artichokes, spinach & raw carrots
- Fruit – avocado, apple, pear, pineapple, berries
- Protein – salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel, seaweeds, tofu, eggs, walnuts, Brazil nuts, sunflower, pumpkin & sesame seeds, linseeds, quinoa, sprouted seeds & grains, chickpeas & lentils
If this sounds like you, then make an appointment TODAY so I can help you get back on track!!!
Everlasting Health…the natural choice for you & your family.