Do you have an irregular menstrual cycle…maybe you only have a period once or twice a year???
Excess hair growth on face, back, arms…or even you’ve noticed some dark hairs on your nipples???
You may have a hormone disorder known as Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome. Now many women experience having ovarian cysts which may be painful & occur anytime – these are known as ‘functional ovarian cysts’ – this is refers to the appearance of the ovary & doesn’t mean you have PCOS. Another myth is that you must be overweight to have PCOS….this is untrue. PCOS affects many hormone/glandular systems which relates to an imbalance of the hypo-thalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, with the thyroid involved, & may be leading to insulin resistance and also an increase on androgens. And did you know you may have hyper-androgens…but normal insulin resistance & glucose tolerance levels. It is a complex syndrome.
As is often found in hormonal balancing concerns…..stress (&/or elevated cortisol) will affect your hormones. The ovaries and adrenal glands, are usually where the elevated androgens are produced. Elevated Testosterone levels along with high Luteinising Hormone (LH) are common. These then inhibit Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), which in turn inhibits the development & maturation of follicles in the ovaries….which leads to a longer menstrual cycle occurring. DHEAS (dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate) is also often elevated due to the pituitary gland overproducing ‘stress response’ hormone ACTH. With all these female hormones affected, this is why PCOS may affect your conception chances.
It can be really tricky to do blood or salivary hormone tests to check for PCOS, as these will need to be done on Day 2 or 3 of your period….which means it may be awhile before you can effectively test female hormones. We can however test glucose & insulin resistance, full thyroid panel, & blood lipid profile irrelevant of what’s happening with your menstrual cycle.
So what signs & symptoms may you have with PCOS??
Menstrual irregularity: 8 or less cycles per year; unpredictable cycle; >4mths without period in absence of pregnancy/menopause; history of ovarian cysts; irregular, excessive or heavy bleeding. Also, a menstrual bleed doesn’t mean an ovum (egg) is released – it may be anovulation cycle is occurring, which is common.
Skin Complications: adult acne; severe adolescent acne; cystic acne on face, neck, back; excessive hair on face, upper lip, neck, chin, abdomen; thinning of head hair; darkened discolouration of skin around neck, groin, breasts, skin folds (acanthosis nigrans).
Insulin resistance: weight gain; difficulty in losing weight, especially around abdomen; irregular blood glucose & lipid profile levels; family history of diabetes &/or menstrual irregularity.
Other signs: fatigue, sleep changes, anxiety &/or depression, poor self image.

Self Help:
Weight loss improves fertility & as little as 5% weight loss assists lowering insulin resistance, improves menstrual cycle regularity & increases ovulation rates.
- consider low carbohydrates & saturated fats, whilst enjoying a higher protein & fibre style diet – may be known as a “low GI diet”. Find more info HERE!
- increase foods high in chromium ie wholegrains, brewers yeast, asparagus, apples, cottage cheese, dates & prunes.
- increase foods high in magnesium ie quinoa, avocado, almonds, eggs, legumes, nuts/seeds, berries.
- increase ‘good’/unsaturated fats ie olive oil, flaxseed/linseed oil, avocado, fish, nuts/seeds.
- want to balance those hormones – you may want to try ‘seed rotation’ too….check it out!
How Can I Assist YOU????
- refer for further testing including specialised hormone testing to see what’s happening for YOU
- assist hormone regulation to regulate menstrual cycle & support adrenals with herbs & additional nutrients where needed
- assist with acne by regulating hormones ( especially testosterone) & supporting detox via skin, gut, liver
- improve insulin resistance & lipid profile, whilst reducing inflammation
- further support weight loss with dietary & nutrient support
- encourage lifestyle choices to help reduce stress & aid weight loss
There are many other disorders which have similar symptoms to PCOS & these should be excluded before you assume you have PCOS. Please see your health provider for further assistance or book a consult online today!