Does Depression or Anxiety affect You or Someone You Love???

The prevalence of low mood, anxiety & depression in our society is scary. I often see men & women with either of these concerns….with each being seen as an individual. 

Breathing Exercises have been shown to shift moods….many psychologists uses these type of techniques. I would like to share with you some techniques which you may be able use yourself or share with loved ones.


We need a holistic approach to mental health. Certain herbs, foods & nutrients can also help to support their nervous system, balance hormones & moods… does exercise! Find more Foods for Mood info HERE!

I also love to embrace how they are really feeling with using Flower Essences for these struggles too. Yes it can be an isolating ailment…looking within can help move forward. Using the Flower Essences individual meditation poems to enhance the essences is an important part this too.

Remember….simply asking someone R U OK? can be that turning point forward for someone you love.

Tips For Everyone from school kids to FIFO workers

Please….if someone you know is showing signs of suicide….please seek professional help.

Lifeline 13 11 14 for those in need.

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