With the ‘dry season’ around the corner (or is it already here??)…now is the time to strengthen your immune system.
One simple…but effective way to do this is to keep a stash of Manuka (or Jarrah) honey with a couple of garlic cloves roughly chopped into it, in the kitchen.
After just a few days, the garlic will infuse the honey with allicins (the active component of garlic)…leaving you with a potent little potion which is extremely antimicrobial.
You can then just either add a teaspoon of the honey to Thyme herbal tea, or lemon juice to ward of the ‘baddies’…or simply enjoy a teaspoon to ease a sore throat!!!
For more Immune Boosting Tips…grab your free May edition of the Darwin Life magazine & read my article 🙂
There’s even a special on Reflexology if you mention my ad!! 😉