Occasionally we all suffer from sleep disturbances….it depends on how often it occurs, & how it impacts on your health & life.
I have many clients coming to me with this issue, & I always offer some simple ‘sleep hygiene’ tips at first & then depending on how bad it is – I offer herbal support where needed. Below are some easy tips for you to try yourself:
- Try a few drops of Lavender Essential Oil on your pillow slip to relax your mind.
- Write a list of your worries before going to bed, leave them to be addressed in the daytime.
- If you can’t sleep after 20-25mins….get up!
- Do something quiet & distracting out of bed e.g. play cards, read, do a jigsaw, have a warm Epsom salt bath, do a crossword if constant, active mind.
- Go back to bed when you feel relaxed & sleepy.
Remember these general tips to aid sleep:
- Use bed for sleep & sex only. No TV, reading or computer use.
- Make sure the bedroom is a cool, dark environment to aid you to fall asleep easily.
- Have a similar bed time & wake up time
- Wake 7-7:30am, go outside into the sun to ‘wake up’ the body
- Avoid going to bed too early (not before 10pm, though depends on work hours)
- Don’t go to bed hungry or with a full bladder (have a handful of nuts, small amount of yoghurt- high in magnesium & calcium to promote sleep)
- Try a cup of relaxation/sleepytime herbal tea ~2hrs before bed.
- Wind down – stop studying or working ~30mins before bed.
- Only have naps before 6pm, & only have 20min power naps – as longer can alter sleep patterns.
- Do regular exercise, but avoid vigorous exercise late in the evening
- Tai Chi or Yoga 3-4xs week will aid sleep & relaxation
- Avoid drinking greater than 2 glasses of alcohol at night, as it can actually hinder a restful sleep.
Lack of sleep can hinder other health problems….if these self help tips haven’t worked for you – please book an appointment with me, as there may be other reasons you may be having sleep problems.