Jun 13, 2013 | Everlasting Health

Climb the mountains & get their good tidings.

Nature’s peace will flow into you

as sunshine flows into trees.

The winds will blow their freshness into you,

& the storms their energy,

while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.

John Muir

The beautiful Muir Woods in San Francisco….filled with gorgeous Redwoods.

Pupcakes for your Furbabies!!

Pupcakes for your Furbabies!!

I did these nutrient packed 'pupcakes' for Ivy's 1st Birthday... & Zoe's 12th Birthday as it's only a few days between. Ivy's 1st Birthday 10/2/2023 My girls are wheat-free pups...so these are only a treat for them on special occasions. Of course, you can use GF...

How’s your immune system holding up…

How’s your immune system holding up…

Have you thought about where bacteria can be lurking in your home day-in-day-out??! I definitely don't want to make you 'germaphobic', but have you thought about: Your Handbag....don't put your handbag on the kitchen bench or table (yep...I'm guilty of this??). It...

Be Breast Aware!!

Be Breast Aware!!

If you are familiar with the way your breasts look and feel, it will make it easier to notice if any changes occur. From your 20s onwards, do the following checks once a month. It's best to do a week after your menstrual period ends....then you will be less likely to...

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