Are you feeling like you’re losing it a little?? EVERYTHING is ticking you off…you snap at hubby…the kids & workmates are walking a very wide berth around your desk – they don’t want their head bitten off!!?! Maybe you’re even thinking…time to take a ‘chill pill’??!! Or do you feel like you’re going crazy – forgetting everything, where you put the keys & finding them in the fridge to leaving the iron on all day – I’ve done that one more than once….ssshhhh, don’t tell hubby!! Time to think green tea – full of antioxidants for the brain & a natural caffeine hit…or perhaps my Bliss Tisane to take the edge off.
And that’s just the beginning…besides hot flushes (….try my Wise Woman Tisane) which are a common symptom of perimenopause….maybe you’ve noticed you really can’t open the jar of pasta sauce – zero strength & your fingers ache. Time to think about increasing the magnesium with glycine to activate vitamin D to protect you from osteoporosis & joint pain, & maybe some turmeric – so grab that turmeric latte or cook a fish curry too! Load up those anti-inflammatories.
You can also grab some more Self-help FREEBIE Tips to support you during this time of metamorphosis!!
Now, lets talk about sex baby…what is that again???! Seriously….where is your libido at??? (ppsstt….check out my Sensuali-tea…sip it anytime of the day). Well it’s not there when you’re having hot flushes that’s for sure – don’t come near me!! And if I’m feelin’ flabby & not too confident in myself – that’s not happening. Besides….if you’re sooo dry ‘down there’, it really ain’t happening right…it hurts & is not pleasurable. Well, there are some things you can do to get back into the swing of things…have you tried my new Luxurious Yoni Serum – it honestly does plump up the vaginal tissue, lubricates & enhances libido with rose absolute, sandalwood & ylang ylang essential oils… me, it really does work plus it smells divine!!

It’s time get back into an exercise routine. Yep…it increases endorphins (your feel good hormones), increases bone density & decreases stress naturally, so you’ll be feeling better with a little energy boost there too. Plus, when you work out regularly your body shape will begin to change & maybe you’ll fit back into that favourite dress to feel sexy again. If you’re feeling like you’re all out of balance but you don’t really have much time on your hands as you juggle work, kids, study, hubby…& the household – why not try just 10-15mins of Naturopathic Yoga online. You can try one Naturopathic Yoga routine for FREE here!!
But if you wanna get serious you can purchase the full series to support gut, sleep, anxiety, menopause, weight loss, thyroid & much much more for just $47 for 3mths, available 24/7….simply buy it HERE & I’ll sign you up!

Remember to look after your own health so that you can enjoy life to the full.
Never neglect yourself because you believe you’re too busy….
Please, try my tips & products to support you now BUT if you’d like further assistance you can always book an appointment – I can see you in person or online.