Nov 23, 2017 | Animal Health, Herbs

I LOVE turmeric!!!

I have been using Golden Paste on my fur babies for about the last 3 years…..& they just enjoy it in their dinner each night. My Rotti “Jax”, had occasionally walked like she’s in a bit of pain in her back legs & I really wanted to nip it in the bud before she had real problems. So I started her on the Golden Paste daily…..along with fish oils to ease the inflammation & reduce any pain.

And I truly believe it works. Not only does it help with pain & inflammation….but turmeric also helps the immune system & supports the liver – plus is a fantastic antioxidant. Both of my pups coats are amazing….& they just keep going from strength to strength.


  • 1/2C organic turmeric powder
  • 1C water (extra if needed)
  • 1/3C oil (try coconut, extra virgin olive, or flax/linseed oil)
  • 2-3tsp black pepper (freshly ground)
  • 10-20g organic Ceylon Cinnamon (optional to help reduce dogs urine smelling like “cat pee”)


  1. Bring the turmeric & water to a boil, then lower the heat & simmer until you have a thick paste. This should take about 7-10 minutes & you may need to add additional water along the way.
  2. Add the freshly ground pepper & oil at the end of cooking, when the turmeric & water mixture has cooled down to just warm. Add in the cinnamon if desired. Stir well to incorporate the oil & allow to cool.

    The Golden Paste will keep for 2 weeks, refrigerated.

    Freeze a portion if you think you have too much to use within two weeks. You can find small 1/4-1/2tsp molds to use for this if you prefer.

     Add it to your pet’s dinner plate or your horse feed … run wild! You can even use for Golden Milk, Smoothies, stir into Yogurt, add to your dinner plate as a condiment… it’s just as good for you too!

Recipe from Doug English (Australian holistic vet & world leader in treating animals with turmeric powder)




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